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How to invalidate organisation’s mandates

Organisation’s mandatea can be invalidated independently by

  • a person with the right of sole representation entered in the register in cases where the assignor is a company or association
  • any board member in cases where the assignor is a company
  • any of the authorised persons entered in the Trade Register when the assignor is a limited liability company or a cooperative
  • any partner in cases where the assignor is a general partnership
  • any of the responsible partners in cases where the assignor is a limited partnership
  • any shareholder in cases where the assignor is a tax partnership.

In addition, in cases where the assignor is a person, company, association or some other organisation,

  • a person who has been given a right to grant a mandate may invalidate granted mandates in the mandate themes for which they have been authorised to grant a mandate
  • a person who has been given a representative's right to grant a mandate may invalidate granted mandates in the mandate themes for which they have been authorised to grant a mandate as a representative.

If an organisation cannot independently invalidate mandates, the mandates can be invalidated in the mandate service provided by officials. Go to authorisation with an application

Follow these steps when you want to invalidate a mandate independently:

  1. Identify yourself in e-Authorizations.
  2. Select Company’s mandates as service role and the organisation whose mandates you want to invalidate. 
  3. On the Granted mandates page, you can see all assignees to whom you have granted mandates, and on the Received mandates page, you can see assignors from whom you have received mandates. 
  4. You can select one or more parties and invalidate all their mandates. When you click on a party's name, you can select individual mandates that you want to invalidate.
  5. Finally, click on the Invalidate button.

If you want to invalidate a large number of different mandates at one time, you can use the selection basket.

The invalidated mandates go to the Expired mandates page, where they are displayed 15 months after the expiration date. The assignee will not be notified that the mandate has been invalidated, so you must notify them of this where necessary.

Updated: 8/12/2022

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