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Stop using Messages

You can stop using Messages by withdrawing your consent to  receiving electronic messages, in which case messages will be sent to  you again by paper mail. You can stop using Messages in the Web Service by following the instructions below:

  1. Identify yourself in the Web Web Service. The Identification button is on the Messages page and in the top right corner of each page. You can find additional information on identification on the How to identify yourself in an e-service page.
  2. Go to the Messages page, if you are not logged in directly.
  3. Go to settings, and in the Message delivery method tab, press the "Withdraw consent" button and confirm the change by pressing the "Withdraw consent" button again in the view that opens up.
  4. You have now stopped using Messages, and messages will be delivered to you by paper mail.

If you have activated the application, you can also use the  application settings to stop using Messages. Please note that  if you remove the application from your mobile device, the  service will not be discontinued or deactivated. You can download the  application again at any time and use the service as before.

After stopping the use of Messages

  • you will be able to view the messages that have already been sent to you  electronically but you will no longer receive any new messages in Messages.
  • you cannot answer messages or send new messages organisations using the service.

If you do not have electronic means for identification, contact Public Service Info for more detailed instructions on how to delete  Messages. Deleting Messages requires strong identification to  ensure your identity.

Updated: 2/5/2024